New Year, New Goals

Coming into the New Year can be frustrating at times, especially with a new goal in mind. I decided this year, I will be focused on my wellness and health journey. Today I wrapped up my grocery shopping for the month and will be doing a year of juice cleansing. It is difficult to start eating clean now, but I have hope for the days to come.

I decided I will start 365 days consisting of juicing, lean meats, and no carb diet. I began the cleanse with hope to get rid of all the processed foods I devoured in 2018. I spent too much money eating out, and always have a guilty feeling of eating right. When the new year came close, I gave more thought into what I should buy more in my groceries than the carbs I go to. Then it was the gift I received from my brother that gave me the thrive to make it a new resolution. It was the book on "Superfood Smoothies" by Julie Morris that sparked the motivation that someone is encouraging me to go for it.

I will have to undergo intensive changes with my eating routine. I vow to do the following steps

  1.  The first of every month, just juicing.
  2. The second week of every month, do nutritious smoothies with a prepped meal plan.
  3. The third week of every month, do 1 nutritious smoothie and 2 prepped meal plan.
  4. The fourth week of every month, follow the same plan as the third week
  5. Start a new juice cleanse.

These are the 5 steps I will be taking and logging along the way. This is a journey I am hoping to feel better and EAT better for the year. I will start also a log of my progress weekly, on how I feel, and how I am curving the hunger process along the way. This is not a piece of healthy way advice or training. This is a journey I will be doing on my own time. 

So for my New Years resolution, I will work on my wellness and health along the way. 


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